Springville City Solid Waste Division of Public Works provides residential curb side garbage collection service on a weekly basis. Please make sure garbage cans are put out on the street no later than 7 a.m. on your garbage collection day or route day to avoid a $42.65 return pickup fee. Garbage cans must be placed on your side of the street in front of your residence.
Please call the Solid Waste Division of Public Works at (801) 491-7867 with questions or if you have an issue with your garbage collection services. There is a $42.65 fee if the garbage truck has to come back to pick up your garbage or if you request an extra garbage or recycling pickup, on both the garbage and recycling services.
When requesting an additional garbage can, you are agreeing and committing to having your additional garbage can for at least six months at the current monthly service fee/rate.
Updated 08/2021
All residential Solid Waste in Springville is taken to the local transfer facility, located at 518 West 3450 North, Spanish Fork Utah 84660. If the Transfer Station is open, garbage will be picked up as usual. For more information about the Transfer Station, call (801) 489-3027 or look up their web site at www.suvswd.org.
Please be aware that the time of day the garbage is picked up may change or vary from week to week. Garbage cans must be out on the street by 7 a.m.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Solid Waste Division of Public Works at (801) 491-7867.
To report a broken garbage can please call (801) 491-7867.
To report missed garbage pick-up please call (801) 491-7867.
Holidays that will delay pickup by one day are listed below (if the holiday is observed on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday): will be delayed by one day.
Individuals may take garbage to the local transfer station facility located at 518 West 3450 North, Spanish Fork, Utah. The transfer station is open Monday through Saturday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
For information or pricing, please call (801) 489-3027 or visit suvswd.org.
Note: If your garbage can does not meet these standards, it may not be dumped. There is a $42.65 fee if the garbage truck has to come back to pick up your garbage or if you request an extra garbage or recycling pickup, on both garbage and recycling services.