Art City Days

Eye Spy Photo Contest

June 3-8, 2024

How well do you know Springville? A favorite Art City Days contest returns! Photo clues will be posted at the beginning of this event showing 20 different locations within Springville… but only a very small portion of the place, object or sign is shown. It is your job to figure out where the picture was taken and take a bigger picture of it.

Be the first person or group with the correct answers!

Good luck! Have fun!

The 2024 winners are Samantha and Danica Gwilliam

Rules and Instructions

  • Only a very small portion of the photos is shown, so figure out where the picture was taken and take a bigger photo of the entire location, object or sign.
  • Submit a complete list of answers via email to or deliver to Springville Recreation at 443 South 200 East.
  • The first individual or group that gets the most correct answers will win a $50 Amazon gift card and a gift basket of Springville Swag. There will be a drawing for additional prizes for anyone that turns in at least 18 correct answers by 9:00 am on Monday, June 10th.

2024 Eye Spy Clues

Previous Years

Having fun? Contact the Parks and Recreation office at (801) 489-2730 for more Eye Spy Clues from previous years!

Eye Spy 2024 with answers

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